What does the word identity mean ? by Mathilde Lasne
First, as you must know, our show is about identity. But what is identity really ? That’s exactly the question we asked ourselves during the first part of the year, and we tried to define ours. According to the dictionnary, identity is all the traits permanent or not, that differenciates someone from someone else. It makes our peculiarity, our individuality. It can be our birth date, the color of our eyes, our size or the feelings we share, our tastes, or qualities... We worked on the topic as from the first hour as we got to ask Mrs Deschamps questions such as « how long have you been teaching for ? » or « Where did you go during the holidays ? ». Then Mrs Deschamps gave us some documents we had to present to our classmates. They were all linked to identity. For example, one group had the lyrics of a song written by John Lennon which denounces discrimination at school or another group had a cartoon : it highlighted the fact that our parents have an influence on who we become There was also a summary of an experience which showed how much our clothes influence us.
Then, we created a poster about our identity and organised an exhibition in our class. We used colours, drawings, pictures, sentences, quotes, symbols, words we could display on an A4 sheet of paper. It was very interesting to see the others’ work because we learnt things and discovered common points that we didn’t expect. We looked at the posters and chose the most colourful, original, the nicest, and the one which best reflected its author’s identity. With our group, we chose the three posters we prefered and explained our choices and why those posters struck us.
Finally, we had to write in our notebook what identity meant to us, at the end of the chapter on this topic. I wrote that, in my opinion, identity was who I am thanks to my family and my friends, but that it was also how I saw myself, my qualities and my flaws. It’s my taste, my opinions, how I decide to live and my goals in life. I also wrote that identity changed with time and the experiences you acquire. Moreover, appearances count too, but you can’t take them too seriously because the most important is who you are deep inside, behind these appearances that have a huge impact on our society. To conclude, each and every identity is unique.
Mathilde Lasne