Accueil > Enseignements > Enseignement général et technologique > Langues vivantes > Anglais > 2023-2024 > Opening Night

Opening Night

Les groupes d’anglais de 2de2, 2de10, 2de11 et les 1STMG1 ont assisté à Opening Night, une pièce de théâtre interactive en anglais proposée par the Pickles Company à la salle de la Bonnette.

One evening, at the Unity Theatre in Dublin, it is the opening night of a new show. The audience has come in droves to see the famous actress, Madison Reese, the talk of the town. But right in the middle of performing she falls to the floor… dead. Was it a crime or an accident ? Superintendent Mike O’Neill is in charge of the case. Backstage at the theatre, everyone seems to have an alibi !

But, we know, a criminal is at large…
