liaison collège-lycée en Anglais
Dear readers,
the Open Day takes place on the 14th March in the Lycée Jean Monnet in La Queue lez Yvelines, from 8 :30 am to 1 :30 pm. We invite you to come discover Miss Faussard, Miss Deschamps and Miss Segalat’s project on the theme ‘’Identity’’.
We’ve been working on this project for months and we want to share it with you.
At the beginning, we wrote a text and all the groups continued the story. When we finished our short stories we sent them to pupils in the collèges. They read them all and chose their favourite ones. Our teachers decided to make a show with the stories chosen by the pupils of 3èmes.
Now, several groups are working on the press, the staging, the setting… to show you a play adapted from our work in May.
If you want more details, then come to room 109 on the 14th of March from 8,30am to 1pm at the Lycée Jean Monnet in La Queue Lez Yvelines.
We hope you will all come !
Article written by the « press » groups of
2nde2, 2nde3, 2nde4, 2nde9 and 2nde10
La journée portes ouverte se déroule le 14 mars au lycée Jean Monnet de La Queue lez Yvelines , de 8h30 à 13h.
Nous vous invitons à venir découvrir le projet des classes de 2ndes de Mmes Deschamps et Faussard aidées de Mme Segalat, en anglais sur le thème de l’identité.
Vous pourrez nous retrouver dans la salle 109.
On espère que vous viendrez nombreux !