Monochrome Photographic
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While walking around the world, make up four chromatic scales of nine photographys each (36 in all) that will be most monochrome possible. (Attention, if it’s the colour of a car you are interested don’t photograph his bodywork and not the whole car !)
You rename each photography in this way : name of the colour (green lime), subject (room’s wal of Arts), name and surname (Martin François).
To call the colour, you’ll go to the list of colours suggested by Wikipédia.
– Wide angles shots and not only macro photography (move around the world rather than just open your cupboard and shot your well organised jumpers) and taken in front of.
– Diversify your subjects.
– To retouch internet images or photograph is forbiden (bring your photos as you took them).
– /4 : Diversify of developped chromatic scale.
– /4 : Diversify of photographed subjects and of matters obtained.
– /4 : Diversify of composition.
– /4 : Corresponding names to photographed colours.
Aims and what’s at stakes:
– To look at the world as if is was only one colour.
– To learn to observe and to know the diversify of the colour scheme.
– To enrich the vocabulary of colour.
– To develop a taste, an affection for such and such or such colour or the colour scheme.
– To develop a pratical experience photographic through a simple job.
– To tackle the questions of a collection.
– To set up images base for arts showroom which will later help in infographic works (to reuse these colours and these materials like colour filters).
With these achievements of students in second, a bank of colored filters over 850 images is now available to all students.
An article translated by Aude Martin (student in tenth grade).